One of the best features of our newly launched Paradigm Mobile module is its ability to let users login remotely. By accessing your account remotely, you not only get the benefit of controlling what is going on in terms of your dental office, but also the benefit of saving travel time.
Being able to have constant and up-to-date access to the important details of your office from anywhere and at anytime can put your mind at ease. It is also a great way to check the efficiency of your office, as well as help maintain an effective appointment book.
Of course, Paradigm Mobile is also built for safe and secure logins as well. This remote login feature only allows authorized users to login and check the appointment book, for example. This appointment book contains important information about which patients are visiting the office. With knowledge of this type of information, you can ensure that there are no mistakes made when it comes to scheduling patients. It is also a great feature to have in order to help maximize office efficiency, productivity, and the bottom line.
Paradigm Mobile’s remote login feature lets authorized users login on devices that can be connected to the internet. These devices include, but are not limited to, iOS, iPad, Android, and notebooks.
To learn more about Paradigm Mobile and have access to this innovative remote login feature, please give our sales manager, Sandro, a call at (905) 946-1477. He may also be directly reached via email at