COVID-19 Health and Safety Precautions


We are currently in a critical time for the containment of COVID-19 and the safety and wellbeing of our clients and teams are our top priorities.

As a necessary precaution to protect our clients and staff, Logic Tech Corp has made the decision to suspend all on-site and off-site training, as well as non-essential hardware service calls, effective immediately (March 16, 2020). However, our technical support line will still remain active to assist offices who will still be operating during this time.

For now, we must act together as a community to follow recommendations from public health authorities to take simple, yet effective measures to reduce the risk of transmission:

  • Self-quarantine and self-isolate as required.
  • Practice social distancing.
  • Wash hands frequently and avoid touching your face.
  • Implement health and safety protocols at the office (some ideas here)

Currently at Logic Tech Corp, we have taken steps recommended by health authorities and implemented corporate best practices as the COVID-19 threat and response have escalated.

With the ever-changing circumstances of COVID-19, we will continue to evolve our response to it. If there are any changes here at the office, you will be informed immediately.

Wishing everyone good health and safety during these trying times,
The Logic Tech Team